See for yourself what living at Renaissance is really like

Click the icons below to watch our videos and get a feel for our Victoria Point retirement community.

Why did you decide to downsize?

Hear from our residents about how they appreciate living in a smaller, more manageable home now they’ve retired.

How did you know it was the right time to move?

Residents share their stories of how moving to Renaissance was “the best move we ever made!”

What are you looking for in retirement?

Whatever you’re looking for in your retirement living, chances are you’ll find it right here at Renaissance.

Pets of Renaissance


Max & Morgan




Prince Louie


Take a look at our social activities 

There are so many things to do at Renaissance that you’ll never be bored in your retirement! 

Unpacking the Sales Contract Process 

The Renaissance Sales Contract process is designed to be simple, quick and easy.

Making the right decision

At Renaissance we take care to ensure that our sales staff explain everything to you, clearly and in detail.

Hear from Sandie about the Sales Contract Process

All of us at Renaissance want our residents to be happy. That’s why we’ve created a “slow and steady” sales contract process with no pressure on you.

About our safe and secure neighbourhood

When you live at Renaissance, you’ll be part of a safe and secure retirement community.

The ideal location for your retirement 

One of the best things about living at Renaissance is that everything you’ll ever want is within easy reach.

All about Renaissance’s maintenance and gardens

When you live at Renaissance, you can enjoy the beautiful lawns, gardens, and wetlands – all without having to maintain them yourself!

Care and medical support in retirement 

Let’s take a look at the options for care and medical support that are available nearby when you live at Renaissance.

What’s it like moving into Renaissance? 

Moving into a retirement village like Renaissance doesn’t necessarily have to be a hassle.

Exploring the village Leisure Centre

The residents’ Leisure Centre is the beating heart of Renaissance – with so many different activities to keep you busy.

What activities are available? 

The beauty of living in a retirement village is you can take part in as much or as little as you want – it’s your choice.

Discover our physical activities for residents

When you live at Renaissance, you’ll be spoilt for choice with different activities to keep your body moving!

A family friendly retirement village

Lifting in a retirement village doesn’t mean saying goodbye to your family! You’re welcome to have them over to visit and even to stay with you.

When is the right time for mum & dad to move?

How can you tell when it’s time for mum and dad to move to a retirement village? See some of our residents’ families share their stories.

How to research retirement villages

Residents’ family members talk about how they did their research to find the best retirement living option for their parents.

How close are all the retirement essentials?

When your parents live at Renaissance, they’ll have all the essentials close at hand.

Visit our Information Sessions with your parents

Information Sessions at Renaissance are designed to answer all the questions you and your parents have about retirement living.

Care & support options for your parents

There is always care and support available to your mum and dad at Renaissance – and it’s easy to ask for more help when it’s needed.

Social life in a retirement village

In retirement, having a reliable social circle is so important. Let’s look at the social aspects of living here at Renaissance.

Is my money secure?

People often ask us whether they can be forced out of their accommodation unit if an operator suffers financial distress or if a village is sold. Watch this short video to find out the financial securities embedded in a retirement village structure.

Service fees explained

What assurances do residents have that their fees don’t rise uncontrollably or become unaffordable? In this video we chat with some of our residents who have scrutinised our contracts, the Retirement Villages Act and the financial aspects of a retirement village to ensure that what they were coming into was something they understood and was acceptable to them.

What if I need extra care?

Extra care and support might not be top-of-mind for you at this point in time; but in the future it may be something of concern.